Upcoming Worship Service
Sunday, February 2
9:30 a.m.
We welcome you to join us for in-person worship in the Sanctuary or online via Zoom.
You may also join us remotely via the Zoom app. The Zoom room opens 30 minutes prior to the service time.
Email the office at rockpres@aol.com for more information.
Join Zoom Meeting (You must be logged into your Zoom account on your device before joining the meeting):
Meeting ID: 552 420 3474
Passcode: 1bUD10
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,5524203474#,,,,,,0#,,215203# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,5524203474#,,,,,,0#,,215203# US (Tacoma)
Dial by your location:
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 552 420 3474
Passcode: 215203
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdtNToC09s
Men’s Breakfast
Friday, February 7
8:30 a.m.
Denny's, 1360 Holiday Ln, Fairfield
The men's breakfast is an informal "Breakfast Club" that meets Friday mornings for Christian Fellowship. Any and every man is invited. The men often informally organize in order to do construction and maintenance projects around the church on a voluntary basis.
WEEKLY WIRE — January 20, 2025
Join us for Friday Centering Prayer Group
Join us for Centering Prayer Group meetings at 10:30 a.m. every Friday in Pastor Sam’s office.
View Pastor Sam’s Sermons on YouTube
To view or comment on Pastor Sam’s sermons, please visit https//www.youtube.com/@SamAlexander1954/videos
Photos from John Hom
Thanks to John Hom for sharing photos of members engaged in volunteer efforts and participating in our Sunday services.
Prayer Tips Can Help When You’re at a Loss for Words
Have you ever felt stumped on how to pray? Try this template to help you organize your thoughts:
• Praise of God “Dear Heavenly Father, I praise you for abundance of infinite grace and gifts…”
• Thanksgiving “Thank you for the blessings you have given me…”
• Confession of Sins. “I am sorry that offended Bill when I…”
• Prayer for Others “I ask that you help Sally recover from…”
• Prayers for You “Lord, I need help. What shall I do with…”
The Salvation Army is in need of toiletries, adult clothes, shoes and socks.
The Salvation Army is in urgent need of blankets and umbrellas.
Drop off your donations on Sundays or Mondays and Fridays at the office.
For more information or to coordinate a drop off contact: Carola Sanders (707) 372-8726
Order your (easy to mail) Scrip soon and the empty store shelves won't matter to you! We are now carrying $100 denominations for popular retailers! Scrip is available every Sunday after service on the patio
Ways to Donate to Rockville Presbyterian Fellowship:
You can send a check by mail. Please make a notation on your check if you want it to go to a special fund, such as Deacon Fund, Youth Group, Cents Ability, etc.
You can stop by RPF Monday and submit your donation in person to the office any time between 11:30-4. Or drop off into our locked mailbox anytime.
You can also go to Givelify.com to make donations to our church General Fund.
Ongoing Meetings and Support:
Youth Group every Sunday afternoon 3pm-5pm at RPF. For more information, contact our Youth Director Mason Gizard, youth@fpcnapa.org
Men’s Breakfast every Friday at 8:30 am at Denny’s in Cordelia, 304 Pittman Rd., Fairfield, CA 94534
Do you, a loved one, or a friend need prayer? Contact Pam Nelson, (707) 863-9111 pamnelson2412@gmail.com
Visit https://www.rockvillepresbyterian.org/calendar for our most up to date events along with links to any virtual events
Office Hours:
Monday: 9:00am - 2:00pm
Friday: 9:00am - 2:00pm
Office is available remote Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
If you have an urgent need please call or text: 707-863-0581
For non-urgent needs please email: rockpres@aol.com